Sunday, February 26, 2012


Jonathan Thomas Dec'd Settlement with Executor

State of Tennessee ] 21st. day of September 1865
                   ] This day E L Miller Executor of the estate of Jonathan Thomas Dec'd came to the Clerk's Office and made Settlement as the law directs, n Will Book G page 86 said Executor is chargeable with, as per Inventory 1157.02
        Amt. rec'd from Harriet and Jane Thomas  $1600.00   
                                                 $2757.02 Vouchers
       One note to David Cleage with Interest   $ 753.30
       One note to David Cleage with Interest   $1743.92
                              Amt brt. forward  $2497.22

       One Account of Allen Butler              $   2.50  
       One  "  "   "  Nat Morrison              $  10.60
       One  "  "   "  Elijah Benton             $   2.00
       One  "  "   "  John Price                $  25.00
       Bal. of Note to Wm. Gowdin               $   3.00
        "   "   "    " A H Crow                 $  60.12
        "  on Judgement to H Brandy             $  10.00
       One Account of Robert Boyd               $  29.35
        "   "  "   " J W Blackwell              $  27.06
       Fees of Office to Clerk                  $  11.15
                                                $  79.02
                     Allowed Extr. 5 pr Cent on $2757.02
                                                $ 137.85
                    Balance due Executor        $  58.83

Jonathan Thomas Dec'd. Inventory and Account of Sales

       Chas. Rufett           1 Rifle Gun                  $   9.50
       James Coffer           1 Cow                        $  20.50
       James Coffer           1 Yoke of Oxin               $  42.00
       James Coffer           1 Bull Ox                    $  23.00
       Jacob Wattenbarger     1 Steer Ox                   $  37.00
       Jane Thomas            4 Yearlings                  $  23.75
       Lewis Stanton          1 Jack Colt                  $  30.00
       A C Thomas             1 Mule Colt                  $  66.00
       Jane Thomas            1 Gray Mare                  $   5.00
       Harriet Thomas         1 Jinney                     $   6.00
       J L Thomas             1 Mule Colt                  $  47.00
       James Thomas           1 Bay Filly                  $  50.00

                                            Carried over   $ 359.75

       Jane Thomas            1 Bay Horse                  $  31.00
       J L Thomas             1 set of Smith Tools         $  50.00
       Jacob Wattenbarger     3 lots of Iron               $  11.00
       M Wattenbarger         1 lot of Iron                $   9.97
       Lewis Stanton          1 lot of Iron                $   5.51
       Nat Morrison           2 lots of Iron               $   5.96
       A C Thomas             2 bars of Iron               $  10.08
       Marshall Owens         1 bar of Iron                $   7.47
       J L Thomas             1 bar of Iron                $   7.47

       R Boyd                 1 bar of Iron                $   6.90
       Jacob Wattenbarger     Woodwork of Wagon            $  20.00
       Jacob Wattenbarger     1 Large Wagon                $  75.00
       Jacob Wattenbarger     Part of Wagon                $   4.00
       A C Thomas             3 Wagon Wheels               $  14.00
       T H Butler             1 Thrashey ???               $ 129.00
       Jacob Wattenbarger     1 Wagon Wheel                $   7.00
       R Boyd                 1 Set of Tyre                $  52.71
       R Faulkney             2 Chains                     $   2.50
       Jacob Wattenbarger     1 Crow Bar                   $   2.85
       Jacob Wattenbarger     1 Still 2 tubs               $ 172.50
       James Thomas           1 Still 2 tubs               $  97.35
       Cash received on J Williams Note                    $  50.00
       Cash received on P Davis Note                       $  25.00

                             FOR A TOTAL OF $1157.02  
The forgoing is a true Inventory and Account of Sales of the personal property of Jonathan Thomas Dec'd that has come into my hands, or the hands of any person also for me to the best of my knowledge and belief.

  Sworn before me 17 July 1865                 E L Miller
               R M Fisher Clk.                      Extr.

Note. The above accounting of property and sales does not include the 1735 acres of land upon which taxes were charged under the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act for the Collection of Direct Taxes in Insurrectionary Districts within the United States, and for other purposes" approved June 7, 1862, and the Act amendatory thereof approved February 6, 1863. The taxes in the amount of $21.11 were paid on in the name of Jonathan Thomas December 7, 1865.

Jonathan Thomas also advanced considerable sums of money to his children prior to his death and made these sums absolute gifts in his will dated February 28, 1863.

According to the above settlement of Jonathan Thomas' estate Jane and Harriet advanced $1600.00 to E L Miller, Executor, as the $1157.02 proceeds from the sale of Jonathan's personal property was not sufficient to cover his debts. Jane and Harriet received the homeplace as directed in Jonathan's will.